Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Gan Israel Overnight
Gan Israel Overnight has provided the finest in recreational activity within an environment of living Judaism, for nearly two decades. Our unique physical and cultural programs have been instrumental in developing our campers appreciation for the outdoors as well as a greater awareness of their Jewish identity.
Children learn that living away from home can be a fun-filled adventure, as well as a wonderful learning experience. It is also a time to take on more responsibilities, and to learn and enjoy activities that are not normally available at home. Many parents remark on how much their child has matured in the short time they have been at Gan Israel. As hundreds of former campers agree, Gan Israel provides happy memories that will last a lifetime.
Trained professional instructors, certified by American Red Cross for CPR and first aid, supervise the best features of Gan Israel. Three tasty, nutritious meals are served family style prepared in our Glatt Kosher kitchens.

Girls Overnight: August 13- 20
Boys overnight: August 14 - 21

* includes transportation from Chicago

About Our Camp
“No one puts more care into the care of your child.”
Gan Israel is much more than a physical break from the school routine and winter activities. It’s a comprehensive program designed to strengthen the body and soul. It provides your child with a rich and wholesome summer vacation of fun and excitement along with friendship and meaningful educational experiences. STAFF
Child development is the most significant ingredient in a healthy camp experience. This is why our staff is the real secret to our success. Our experienced counselors are known for their personal warmth and ability to care for each child as an individual. Many staff members return year after year, lending experience and continuity to all programs. Each counselor is a role model for our children, promising them friendship which will last forever! Their love for the children is surpassed only by the children’s love for them.
Supervised by our staff through patience and encourgment, children develope sportsmanship, confidence, and the ability to enjoy all sports, including baseball, basketball, football, hockey, kickball, soccer and more.
Campers enjoy swimming twice a week. All aquatic activities are under the careful supervision of experienced and certified Red Cross lifeguards. Safety is our primary concern.
Our campers are imbued with a deep sense of pride in their religious heritage. Exciting hands-on activities, stories, games, challah baking, contests, and Shabbat parties are all part of the unique Gan Israel experience. There is never a dull moment at Gan Israel. Each new week focuses on a different Judaic theme that is brought to life by art projects, and dress-up days
Weekly trip days feature excursions to childrens favorites that include theme parks, laser tag, roller skating, museums, bowling, go-carting, miniature golf, boating and more.
T.G.I.F. @ C.G.I.
Parents and their children can custom design a part of the Friday program by choosing from a variety of activities and skill clubs. All accompanied by professional instructors that capture their imagination and enhance their inner skills. Samples of skill clubs being offered this year is cartooning, martial arts, kitchen skills, woodworking, aerobics, sewing, calligraphy, and chess with the Illinois Chess master.
Teen Camp for girls provides an exciting curriculum including workshops in sewing, baking skills, self defense, canoeing, hiking/biking and camping trips and much more. Limited space available for this four - week program for girls entering 7th and 8th grade.

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